Low Cost Startup Ideas

Low Cost Startup Ideas

Startup means innovative business ideas. This is a low cost startup idea that teaches us to recognize the business world in a slightly different way. The future could turn into a Billion Dollar business, but startup ideas are not always easy. However, if you struggle a lot and work hard for a long time, you will definitely get success. You can be financially independent when you think of a low cost startup ideas. Because to run a business you don’t have to ask for help from parents or financial help from a bank. The key to making your low cost startup ideas a success is to work hard. One thing to keep in mind is that you are not just doing business just to make money, you are implementing new ideas, or you are trying to redefine old ideas.
1. Social Media Consultant Advisor
Lots of products are being sold in the market. Lots of service being sold. Social media is one of the main means of selling nowadays. Because it is possible to reach the buyer here at a much lower cost. Big companies run their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram accounts with employees. But employees do not always join the work with sufficient experience for sales growth bus service growth, then an experienced social media consultant is needed. If you have a good experience with your own social media, you can start this business online today. This is a unique business idea. There are many opportunities to go from small to good places.
2. Translation Service Agency
The journal Science Research is being published daily. Every day books on business management, food management and sports are being published. Many important documents are being published. But it is not possible for people all over the world to understand them, because it is not possible for people in other countries to know the language in which they are being published. If you are proficient in a few languages other than your mother tongue, you may be involved in the work of Language Translator. This is a Zero Investment Business Idea. So it is very easy for you to get started. This is mainly through online, you can work here as a freelancer, and earn good money. If you are a student then you can easily start this low cost startup ideas. Do the work yourself first, you can work by hiring employees if you have experience.
3. Graphic Design Agency

Each product is manufactured in the factory, but the packaging process is required before it can reach the market. A graphic designer is needed to design the packet beautifully. Pictures of food packets, pictures of T-shirts are all very common at present. This is a very low cost startup idea because if you have a laptop, you can earn at home. product logo, company logo, personal name logo, hording ads design, T-shirt graphics, brochures etc. Start working alone with these. Create your own agency and hire later.
4. Domain Name Buyer and Seller
This is going to be a unique business idea of tomorrow. If you have a good idea about domain names and future needs then this could be a profitable home based business idea for you. Domain business can be a good low cost startup ideas, because this business is not a very difficult business. For this you need to study a lot of domain history. At the very least, you need to make an idea about whether or not you have a popular domain for the last ten years. You can follow –
5. Wedding Planning Business
Couples don’t like to take on more work responsibilities at the best moment of their lives. So you can start this low cost business if you are interested in taking full responsibility of planning the wedding ceremony, singing-dancing, rituals, eating etc. according to their convenient budget. The biggest advantage is that you don’t have to invest capital for long. With two to four days capital investment you can earn 6 digit money.
6. Cell Phone Repairing Centre
If you do not have enough capital, you can start repairing your mobile phone at home. When your customer base grows, you can set up a service center and hire more employees. However, you must be proficient in mobile repair.
7. Garden and Lawn Care Business

We all love to plant grass lawn and flower trees in front of home-office. But caring for a lawn or tree is no less of a hassle. Giving water every day, cutting them and keeping them in equal size is a matter of time and effort. This requires a garden and lawn care person. Hiring an employee on a monthly basis is very costly, so many prefer to work on a contract basis with the garden and grass lawn care agency. You can start this business on your own. And if you want to think of it as a low cost startup ideas, hire staff and contact several office, bungalow houses.
8. Local Area Meal Delivery Chain
At present, more than 14% of the total food sold by the restaurant is delivered to the customer. This is a very good low cost startup idea for local area. You could start your own home-based business tomorrow with very little startup cost. Office – Mess – You can deliver the meal at home.
9. Food Waste Solution and Earning
We will never be able to prepare enough food for an event to run out of food. We see at the end of the show that there is a lot of food left over which is most likely to be wasted. These foods can be purchased for a small fee and delivered to restaurants or food stores, earning good money. For this you need to create a network with some school-college students who will work part time. If you have the ability to invest very little capital then this is a very good low cost startup ideas for you.
10. Recycle Waste Shop
Old reusable items like plastic pens, brushes, ice cream cups can be recycled by recycling them. This business usually operates large plants, all of which can be used to supply old reusable items. No special skills or education is required to do this business. So if you want to start a low cost startup business, this is the right place for you.
11. Cartoon characters making
If you love creating new interesting cartoon characters then you can interact with cartoon channels, this is a unique business idea.
12. Tour Guide Agency
Those who love to travel also love to know a lot. And to know something good, you need a proper tour guide. Many times people don’t like personal tour guides because there are doubts about the credibility of unknown tour guides. The solution to this problem may be low cost idea for you, you can open a ture guide agency, hopefully you can earn better from it.
13.Marketing Consultant
If you have good knowledge and experience in marketing then you can work as a marketing consultant.