85 Service Based Business Ideas- Quick successful Advice

Most Profitable Successful Service Based Business Ideas image :pexels
If you are take a decision without lots of study to start service based business ideas, it is right as per my entrepreneur experience. Many people prefer such type of business, where the amount of profit is high. But the investment is very less. This is possible only in service based work. So nowadays the number of such entrepreneurship is increasing, because people’s interest is increasing. So you might already have some knowledge about this. Today I will tell in details that will help you to create a successful startup and earn sure money.
Table of Contents
What is Service based Business?
As a corporate trainer I have accepted service based business as the best idea. Because this start up has advantages like no other start up. If you are an air conditioner servicing expert, i.e. have good working experience, then you can start your own business by doing job quite. An air conditioner service agent can start. I will tell you many such unique service business ideas today.
Service base business has many advantages. Know these seats.
* No big infrastructure is required to start this business. So this type of agency can be easily started as a profitable service business ideas from home.
* If you don’t have the capacity to invest much in the beginning, then there is no reason to worry. Because you can start working as an employee yourself. So investment is never your hindrance.
* It is usually possible to run service based with less equipment than other types of companies, agencies or startups. So it can be started with minimal investment.
* Service based business is not like any other business, if you have a retail store then it has to be opened according to specific time. and must be closed according to the specified time. That means you have to keep the shop open all day, but in this start up you are not engaged all day. After serving the customer on time there is extra time when you can relax. Service Based Business Ideas for Students is absolutely right. Because part time service based business is able to run. So if you can run this kind of business successfully, you will get good amount of profit and you can earn sure money.
What Service Business are most in demand?
You already know what service based business? But you need to know which type of business is most prospective. As a corporate trainer, I try to explain it to you in a simple way. Basically service based business ideas are connected with our daily life. So you will not have difficulty understanding what service business is most in demand? Now you tell yourself which type of service is related to your daily life.
* Home related service like-kitchen chimney repair, Air conditioner repair, home appliances repair.
* home related secondary service with out any technical skills like: pool earning service, garden maintain service, home cleaning service.
How do I Start a Service based Service?
First of all I would like to tell you that you have started a business with a very good subject. That is service based business. So rest assured that you can make more profit with less investment.
Before you have the question of how do I start a service based business, I must clear it through some small steps.
* Creating a proper plan is very important, so create a plan according to your business type.
* If you want the best service oriented business to be yours alone and succeed behind the competitors and earn sure money, then you must have practical work experience somewhere. Or any short course in this regard. So that it is possible to provide the most prospective service. Customers are always happy and your stat up growth is the best.
* Another thing you need to remember is that top service based startups shoot. Then set a reasonable price list for the job. Because with good quality of work, it is necessary to charge service charges that are much lower than your competitors.
One thing you will find though is that the service charges are low, the work orders are getting much higher. As a result, the amount of profit will be good and it will be possible to earn sure money.
* Another important step is to introduce small service based companies. Social media can be used for this and marketing and branding can often be done with zero investment.
Study these things well before starting and launching your dream startup.
Service Based Business Ideas to start today
1. Pet sitting
Pets are very dear to us since ancient times and many love to think of them as a member of the family. Sometimes the family is very worried about their beloved pets when they travel somewhere or go somewhere far away on business. In fact, it is difficult to accept that they have no one to look after them.
This is where the opportunity for business ideas from home is created. If you love pets, and know about their behavior, you can definitely start a pet sitting startup.
Ideas about Pet setting Service Startup Benefit
- If you want to start such a business then the first thing you need is a place of your own, if you have your own place then you can start it with minimum cost so you don’t have any tension regarding investment at all.
- If you love spending time with pets then naturally your work will never feel difficult or stressful, you can live a very nice life throughout your life and earn along with it.
- If you start it on a small scale then you don’t need to hire employees from the beginning . So you are tension free from spending on all these things and all the income you make does not have to be paid for the salary of the employees so it is all with you.
- Since you are not investing much here but you can earn a lot so if you are a student or a member of a middle class family then it is very easy for you.
Ideas about who are Pet setting Service Startup Customer
- Generally, among all the people who have pets in a certain area around your house, some of the people will be your customers. If you have good experience in this matter and you can control them very well, then your customers will keep increasing.
Ways of Promote of Pet setting Service Startup Business
- Initially, you have to spend a little money for this, but later on, when the business is launched and if you are experienced enough in this matter, you will not have to spend on advertising anymore. So, you can advertise or do marketing with flex banners in local areas at the beginning.
Ideas about Pet setting Service Startup Average Monthly Earning
- It is very difficult to say exactly how much income is earned in this business, because it depends on many factors such as how big the center is of the person, how many pets can be kept there at once and provided to them and it depends on how much the owners of all these pets are willing to spend. It can also be said in general that it is possible to earn $ 9600 to $ 14900 in a month by doing this kind of business, but as I have already told you that this amount is never fixed, it is always more or less depending on various factors.
Ideas About Pet setting Service Startup Profit Percentage
- We see that the profit in such businesses is very high because in any service related business, there is no need to buy any raw materials or create any big infrastructure to implement the plan. So it is possible to earn more with less investment. It is possible to make 20% to 45% profit from this business.
Get Better Knowledge and Inspiration for Success
- You may be starting small from the beginning but later you definitely have a plan to turn it into a big business so you have to prepare from the beginning that you will turn it into a big business later. For this you have to follow successful competitors, follow their website petbacker.com and move towards everyone.
2. Cleaning Service

We all have the habit of keeping clean. You must have practical experience, but never think of it as a business opportunity. So do a little social media marketing and start a simple and profitable service oriented business.
If you are a student then this can be a good part time business opportunity for you. You can also think of it as a full-time business on a much larger scale. In that case it is not possible for you to run all the work alone, so you can also run this business by hiring employees. A cleaning service can charge anywhere from $20 to $60. So it is possible to earn well by doing this.
Ideas about Cleaning Service Benefit
- Just like any service business requires investment once, this business can be started once and you can earn from it for the rest of your life, so this can be called a big advantage.
- In other businesses, especially manufacturing businesses, large infrastructure is required and it costs a lot to build the infrastructure, so it becomes a cause for more worry, but in this business, no such infrastructure is required, so it is more convenient to run the business and it is possible to make more profit.
- If you do not make your business very big, then you can run the business yourself without any employees, so you do not have to take any steps to hire employees from the beginning, you can run it very easily.
Ideas about who are Cleaning Service Customer
- There are many people who are busy with their business or job work all week, so naturally they do not get time to clean their homes and surrounding areas and prefer to be a little more relaxed on the day they have a holiday in the week. All these people love to clean them with an agency, so these busy people can be your good customers.
Ways of Promote of Cleaning Service Business
- It is true that you will not get many customers at first when you start it, so in the beginning you have to work hard for marketing or promotion, but later when you become known, you can do without thinking about marketing or promotion. So from the beginning, try to start working in the areas around your house, so to inform all these customers, you may need to advertise in local areas through flex or banners.
Ideas about Cleaning Service Average Monthly Earning
- It is very difficult to say specifically in this business how much it is possible to earn in this business throughout the month. The reason is that how many work orders you get throughout the month and how much money you get for each work from there, your entire month’s income depends on all these things. However, it can be estimated that if you work alone, you can earn $9200 to $12600 per month, but in many cases this amount is much less or more.
Ideas About Cleaning Service Profit Percentage
- Since service based business ideas require only one investment and do not require any special investment later, it can be said that the money you get for this work will be your profit. Therefore, in all these businesses, the profit percentage is very common, it is possible to make a profit of 25% to 45% in this business.
3. T-shirt Printing
T-shirt printing business is not a new type of business, but the type of printing material has changed a lot. Competitors have grown a lot. But still the market of this most profitable service business remains the same. The biggest reason for this is that people’s interest in T-shirts is increasing as time goes by. It is a good cash business. So the amount of daily earning is quite good.
Ideas about T shirt Printing Service Business Benefit
- If you want to start service based business ideas then the biggest advantage is that you will invest only once and later you will keep earning. In this case you only have to buy all the colors that you need to buy for printing but the cost related to this is very low, so you do not need much investment to run the business.
- Another advantage of doing this type of business is that it does not require any raw materials to run it which is not available at the right time, since this business only needs colors for printing so there is no time for this problem which is convenient for running the business.
- To run any big business, a very big infrastructure is required but in this case you can do a lot of printing even in a small room i.e. you can run a very big business even in a small room.
Ideas about who are T shirt Printing Service Business Customer
- If you start this business then you have to contact T shirt companies from the beginning . You will see that you can get a lot of orders from here, but in the beginning you have to show the quality of your work and communicate there.
Ways of Promote of T shirt Printing Service Business Business
- You have to contact different companies and there you have to provide visiting cards and there you have to keep a contact system with WhatsApp number. Also you have to contact different companies through email it is best if you meet directly with T shirt companies and talk to them about this work.
4. Courier Service
It is a very well known and popular service oriented business. It does not require much investment to start. But you have to associate yourself with a strong network. With the help of which it is possible to run this courier service agency or company.
Ideas about Courier Service Business Benefit
- The biggest advantage of starting this business is that you do not need to be very highly educated to start it. So a person with a general level of education can also do this business very easily. Which is an advantage in many cases.
- You do not have to create a lot of infrastructure to start it so you can start very easily if you have difficulty in investing in it then it does not cause any difficulty because you can start.
Ways of Promote of Courier Service Business Business
- You do not need to advertise to promote it because it does not yield much profit. You have to directly contact different bank offices and first gain credibility with them. Then you will not be able to get orders for courier service delivery from here, but you must have a specific office and the office must be officially registered.
Ideas about Courier Service Business Average Monthly Earning
- It is true that a courier cannot earn much from the beginning but later on when it becomes big then it is possible to earn a good amount. So I can’t tell you exactly how much you earn in the beginning but an established Korean agency earns up to $12700 to $21400 per month.
Ideas about Courier Service Business Profit Percentage
- What is special about this business? Basically, it is the cost of carrying, so the money received from the customers, except for the cost of reaching the customer’s house, is considered as part of the profit, it is possible to make a profit of 22% to 45% in this business.
5. Medical Courier Service Start up
Currently, a strong and profitable market for online medical services has developed. You can choose this place as your career. If you have the knowledge about this medical matter i.e. have the ability to understand the meaning of various medical words or reports, then start up this medical courier service today. Start Supplying Lab Samples, Prescription Medicines, Medical Supplies Responsibly and Earn Sure Money with Zero Investment.
Ideas about Medical Courier Service business Benefit
- Let me say one thing at the beginning that to do this you must take the help of the local administration and get permission from there then if you can start then. You will see that you need very little investment to start it so you can always start and start earning from here.
6.Home Care Service
There is no need to learn any skill to learn this service. Because almost all of us are used to helping the elderly people at home. And you can think of this as a service business example and opportunity. And you can start a home care service agency or company.
Ideas about Home Care Service Business Benefit
- This business is very old and if you want to start this type of business then there is no specific time, so you can start whenever you want and you can start from any age so you are very free to start it.
- This business can be done in both ways part time or full time. So if you think that you will be involved in this work all day then you can stay or if you are a student or a housewife or a mom and you think that you will run this business or provide this service part time then you can run it part time. So you have freedom about your working hours this is the biggest advantage.
Ideas about who are Home Care Service Business Customer
- Many times it is seen that there are many people who are very busy with their jobs or business in their career. It is not always possible for them to take care of everything at home. So they take the help of an agency to maintain everything at home properly, so they can be your good customers.
- Many times, elderly couples, due to their age, they become physically weak, they cannot take care of all the housework properly or clean it properly, they can be your good customers.
Ways of Promote of Home Care Service Business Business
- You have to think that since you have to go there and provide the service, you should not think of providing the service too far, in that case, you will spend a lot of time on the road. So start this service within a few kilometers around your home, for this you can advertise in the local area by printing flex or banners.
7. Lawn Care Service
It is difficult to find a person who has not taken care of the house lawn. You may have taken care of a home lawn and know that it is not a difficult task. Today it can be considered as one of the most prospective service based business. But what type of equipment and how big a machine to buy will depend on how many customers you want to serve in a month.
If you want to do a little more work and provide a large lawn service, you must hire employees who cannot do it alone. If you can get a reputation for good work, you can turn it into a landscaping company in the future.
Ideas about Lawn Care Service Benefit
- When you want to start such a business, you need to know one thing that it is a service related business so you have to invest only once. And if you have to improve the quality of your work, then you can establish yourself as a successful businessman in the future, this is a big advantage of this business.
- You can provide customer service at your convenience, unlike other businesses or jobs, there is no fixed time or you do not have to work every day of the week. If you think that you will run this business full time, you can do it or you can do it part time at your convenience.
- You will get many customers in the area near your home to do this business, so you do not have to go far. You can earn by doing business and providing services from the area near your home.
- You do not need to be very highly educated to start this, so even a person with a basic education can do this business easily.
Ideas about who are Lawn Care Service Customer
- Usually those who like such a place in front of their house but lack of time due to their own job or business, they take the help of such agencies or individuals who arrange lawn care, so you will get many customers in the local area.
Ways of Promote of Lawn Care Service Business
- First you have to start doing good work, after doing the first few jobs, all those customers will find you the next customer. And in this way your business will grow, but you will have to make your own or visiting card. And you have to communicate with different people.
Ideas about Lawn Care Service Average Monthly Earning
- The income of such a business can be very low to very high because when you run this business alone, there will be some kind of earning, when you hire employees, the amount of income will be different, so it is never possible to say that the income is fixed. However, it can be given an idea that the monthly income of such a businessman can be $9800 to $17600.
8. Graphic Design Service
The importance of this business does not seem necessary to explain at present. From t-shirt printing to the advertising sector, book front page design, event management, every part requires a good design background, you can get good idea from 99designs.com . So nothing new to tell you about this most profitable service business opportunity. This startup can be done with zero investment if you have your own laptop or computer.
Currently, along with the old-fashioned graphic design, the importance of graphic design created through AI is increasing considerably. So, if you have experience in this matter and what kind of graphic design is in demand in the market, then you can do it from home.
Ideas about Graphic Design Service Benefit
- You must understand that this business is possible for you to do from home, so one of the biggest advantages for you is that you can run this business from home, you don’t have to go anywhere.
- Since you can run it from home, like other businesses, you don’t have to arrange a shop or arrange a room from which you can run the business. In this case, you don’t have to make any investment in infrastructure. As a result, you can say that you can start a business with zero investment and earn from it.
- To start this, you only need to be skilled in this subject, so if you are not an expert in other subjects, only if you are an expert in this subject, you can easily run this business. That is, even if you are not highly educated, you can run this business and earn from it.
Ideas about who are Graphic Design Service Customer
- You will understand that it is not very difficult to get customers in this business once you start working, for example, advertising agencies can work with you to provide you with various types of work, so they are your big customers.
- Small manufacturing companies can get all these designs done for you to advertise their products, so never underestimate them. If you can do the work of many such small companies, you will earn a lot of money and the biggest thing is that the more products are sold through the advertisements of these companies, the more work will come to you in the future.
- You can visit different schools, provide them with your visiting cards and brochures, from where you can provide them with all the graphic designs they need for various events, and you can also get orders to create all the advertisements that the school does.
Ways of Promote of Graphic Design Service Business
- You will have to work a little hard at first to make it known to everyone. For example, in the beginning you have to make brochures and visiting cards and visit different agencies and schools and talk to them, show them samples of your work, then they will continue to give you work.
- You can introduce yourself online, you can take the help of social media and post your designs on social media or create links in different places, then you will become known with time.
Ideas about Graphic Design Service Average Monthly Earning
- A graphic designer’s income can be of different types, it largely depends on how much he is getting. So it is not possible to say the specific income in such a way, but generally we see that a graphic designer earns $ 8600 to $ 14800 in a month.
9. Drop shipping
Do you want to know an online service based business ideas? I will suggest you to engage yourself in drop shipping business. It is very easy to start and earn good amount if internet connection service is available and a laptop is available.
Ideas about Drop Shipping Benefit
- This is a completely online business, but currently many people are earning a good amount from here. But of course it is a big learning curve. You have to study and learn the subject well for a long time before starting it, then you can earn this income sitting at home. If you get the opportunity to earn at home, it is a big benefit for you.
10. Skin Care Service
If you are a skin care expert i.e. if you already have experience working in a skin care agency or have taken any course in this subject, then you can start this most profitable service business.
11. Event planning Business
This business can be started at a much lower cost than other businesses. Nowadays small event planning like kids party, office party, bachelor party, before wedding party are very popular. So you can start it with very little investment. As a student you can start part time and service business.
Ideas about Event Planning Service Benefit
- If you want to start this type of business with very little investment then this can be ideal. Because there is not much investment in this business, if you spend anything, it is paid to you on the same day. So you can manage it easily. And you do not have to invest much yourself.
- Since there are very few competitors in this business so far, this business is profitable. But you have to study and learn a lot about this matter, then you will see that you can make more profit for less competition.
- There are some businesses where higher education is not required, work experience and customer service are the biggest things. That is the case in this business too, so if you are not highly educated, there is no reason to think that you cannot succeed. You can succeed by starting this business and earn a good amount.
Ideas about who are Event Planning Service Customer
- There are many people who are very busy in their work life but they also have family and relatives, they also have to organize various events, invite friends and relatives and arrange food for them. It is not possible for them to do so much because they do not have enough time and they do not want to take so much responsibility. All these people can be your customers, so start small and introduce yourself and attract more customers with your good performance.
Ways of Promote of Event Planning Service Business
- In the beginning, you will have to work a little, for this you will have to put some banners and posters in different places. Through which you can let people know. You will see that you have started this business, if you have given your phone number, many people will contact you.
Ideas about Event Planning Service Average Monthly Earning
- A such agency can earn a lot of money throughout the month, but one thing to remember is that you will not earn much from the beginning, but later when you hire employees and grow big, you will be able to earn more. So it is not possible to say the exact income of such an agency, but we can generally say that such an agency earns $ 9800 to $19600 throughout the month.
12. Fitness Trainer
Nowadays people are living with more traces due to lifestyle. So fitness is very necessary to keep their body in shape. This is where your career opportunity begins. Working as a fitness trainer can earn a good amount of monthly income. If you have best fitness business ideas and previous experience in fitness, you can start this career with zero investment.
Ideas about Fitness Training Service Benefit
- Let me start by saying that if you are opening a business that really requires a one-time investment, then this is an ideal business for you. Because here you really only need to invest once and later only earn, this is one of the benefits of this business.
- Since it is not possible for everyone to run this business, the competition is very low. One of the reasons is that not everyone knows about fitness, so it is not possible for everyone to run it, this is a very big good thing for you because if the competition is low, the income will definitely be high.
- If you think that you will run this business or provide this service in a room at home without renting a house or creating any infrastructure, then there is no cost for creating your infrastructure, this is a very profitable thing for you.
Ideas about who are Fitness Training Service Customer
- Earlier it was thought that only the young generation would give time or show interest in fitness, but now this idea has completely changed. Now even older people are quite aware of their fitness. So people of all ages are now coming as customers.
- Among these, the most customers are seen who are physically ill or come here as per the doctor’s suggestion. They continue to make efforts in terms of continuous fitness.
13. Personal Chief
Nowadays the popularity of personal chief is increasing and many people are making a living by doing personal chief as a part time or full time profession. If you have interest in cooking then you can start this service related profession today.
Ideas about Personal Chef Service Benefit
- If you want to make all your career without any investment, then you can make a successful career as you want. And the biggest thing is that you do not need your own higher education here. Only your skills are needed in this regard.
- Since this is a very good service related business, you do not have to invest much or you can say you can run it from zero investment, so if you are a member of a low-income family, then you will not have any difficulty.
Ideas about who are Personal Chef Service Customer
- Currently, there are many high-class or rich people who do not get time to prepare their favorite food or find it difficult to get their favorite food according to their needs. They can be your customers.
Ways of Promote of Personal Chef Service Business
- The best way to introduce yourself in this regard is social media. So try to introduce yourself through social media. You will see that within a few days many people will start contacting you.
14. Neil Art

Art has no fixed price. It completely depends on the quality of the work. One such start-up in the top service based business category is nail art services. There is very little investment required in this business, but if you have a social media account and share some images or videos regularly, you will get a better response.
Ideas about Nail Art Service Benefit
- The biggest thing in any business or profession is investment. If you can start a business with less investment, there is nothing better, so if you are thinking about this type of business, then it is an ideal idea. It may be because you can start it by decorating a room in the house or you can start it by renting a small room from there. You do not need to spend a lot of money to create a large infrastructure.
- If you think that you can go to the customer’s house and provide this service, then you can do that, in that case you will be able to get more customers, so your financial growth will be more possible.
- If you can make the customers happy with good designs, then they will want to come to you all the time and want to take services from you. In that case, you will be able to get a lot of customers in the future, which is not so applicable in other businesses.
Ideas about who are Nail Art Service Customer
- Earlier we thought that only young women are interested in this kind of thing but now we can see that married women and older women are quite interested in this matter, because nowadays everyone likes to keep themselves groomed and beautiful so they can all be your customers.
15. Baby Consultant
To every parent their baby is special. So they want their baby to be an expert in all aspects and learn a lot of good things. A service business career starts from there. It is truly unique zero investment service start up ideas, from where you can earn sure money part time or full time.
Ideas about Baby Consultant Benefit
- You can start a career with just your experience and degree, for this you do not have to create any infrastructure, for which you do not have to think separately and the biggest thing is that being able to earn without creating an infrastructure is the most advantageous thing for you.
16. Parenting Expert
It is not easy for a new parent to handle her baby. They need consultancy in this regard. You can start your career as a parenting expert, this is a really no investment service business. So it’s easy to get started. Place small advertisements around the house where you must give your contact phone number. Apart from this, you can increase the awareness of your work with the help of social media marketing.
Ideas about Parenting Expert Service Benefit
- To start this, you must have experience in this regard and the necessary degree, only then can you start it. So consider that it is not possible for any person to start this work, so this is good news for you that you can succeed and earn without competition.
17.Pet Grooming
For those who keep pets at home, these pets are not just a member of the family. They are very dear. So want to groom them with healthy care, you can establish your career as a pet grooming center founder.
18. Dance Institute
If you have skills in dance, what’s wrong with teaching it to someone else? And if there is earning in return, then it is very good. If you don’t want to rent a room for this, then you can implement it as a home service business idea.
Ideas about Dance Institute Benefit
- You must know that if you are skilled yourself, you will come to this business only, but the biggest advantage of this business is that since most people do not have this skill, they cannot come to this business. In that case, your business has less competition or competitors. You can run the business without much thought and can earn from it.
- Since you do not need any equipment or other things to start it, you do not have much investment in all these things. You can think that you are starting all these things with almost zero investment.
Ideas about who are Dance Institute Customer
- Earlier we used to think that only school students or young men and women can learn these. Now our idea has changed, we see that nowadays many old people are coming to learn dance after retirement or many could not learn dance due to the pressure of their career and are coming to learn it after marriage. So all of them are your customers.
Ideas about Dance Institute Average Monthly Earning
- Such an institute can earn a good amount of money throughout the month, but of course everyone’s income is not equal. If someone starts a class with five students, his income and the income of someone who has become a big institute cannot be the same. It can also be said that it is possible to earn up to $9800 to $17500 per month from here.
19.Language Education Service
If you love the subject and are good at it, you can start service based business ideas for women very quickly and easily, since starting such a business on your own will has many benefits that you can learn from here.
Ideas about Language Education Service Benefit
- If you really want to start a zero investment business, then this business can be ideal for you because it really costs you nothing. You can provide this service online or offline. Because starting any business requires a little bit of infrastructure, in this case, nothing like that is required, so the investment has to be reduced.
- Since you are a highly educated person, you can start, but it is not possible for everyone to start it, so naturally your competitors are very few. So you can be sure that you can earn from here, you do not have to face much competition.
20.Sewing Service
There are many benefits of any such business that are not found elsewhere. So if you have decided to do this and if you are skilled then you can be sure that you can earn a good amount of money from here throughout the month.
Ideas about Sewing Service Benefit
- If you are an expert in this matter then you can easily start this type of business from home for this you do not need to be very highly educated so you can run it at any age and with any educational qualification.
- You can start it in a small space of the house. So there is no need to make a big investment in this matter you can be very worry free and you can say that you will not have to invest in this matter in the future too.
- Every businessman wants to earn cash because it is very beneficial for his family expenses or other expenses in this case you can earn cash in exchange for providing services so this is a big advantage for you which is not available in any other business.
Ideas about who are Sewing Service Customer
- All the people around your home area who need this kind of work can be your customers. However if you can contact big tailors or any garment company you can do such work from home and deliver it to them. So they can also be your big customers.
21. Dog Walking Service
If you want to start a service based business ideas for women, it means that you love this subject and love spending time with them, so don’t delay a moment and start tomorrow.
Ideas about Dog Walking Service Benefit
- If someone can earn all the housework or studies in front of him, it becomes a big opportunity for him, so in this case too, you can do this profession part-time when you like, you can run it for a time according to your decision. This is a big advantage for you that you can maintain all the things together.
- If you love being with them, then when you do the work, you will not have any other mental stress, rather you will be happy, this is a big good thing for you where you can be happy along with earning.
- If you have no reason to worry here, rather you can earn through a simple method and everyone wants to earn their own money in an easy way, in this case you can get that advantage.
Ideas about who are Dog Walking Service Customer
- It is not new that you can get the dogs of people who are busy with their work around your house and provide them with services. Because you cannot provide services far away and I think it will not be very profitable to try that.
22.Public Speaking Coach
If you are interested in this, it means that I am sure you have studied this matter a lot and love the subject enough, so I will always suggest that you should start your love profession very soon.
Ideas about Public Speaking Coach Benefit
- If you are talented in this matter then you can start it only, it is true, along with this you have some special advantages one of which is that not everyone can do this job very few people can do it so naturally very few people can start it and earn from it.
23.Diaper Delivery Service
Usually, families with fewer people in their family use this type of service, so if there are such people in your area, it can be an opportunity for you to take advantage of it and start earning your own part-time or full-time income.
Ideas about Diaper Delivery Service Benefit
- It is usually seen that school students provide such services. Because it is not possible to earn much from this, no one generally takes diapers as a full-time profession. But one of its big benefits is that it is possible to earn from this while managing other work or studies.
Ideas about who are Diaper Delivery Service Customer
- Families with fewer members or they are very busy, so they buy them online or as home delivery, so you can consider them as a target customer and if you can provide good service, they can always buy from you or take services from you.
24.Adventure Tour Planner Service
Currently, such businesses are gradually expanding, so if you have accumulated a lot of experience in this regard, consider it as an opportunity and start your own business. And you will see that you can earn a good amount from here throughout the year.
Ideas about Adventure Tour Planner Service Benefit
- There is no age barrier to start this, so a retired employee or a student can also start it and earn from this, which is the biggest advantage of this business.
- It is not necessary to build a big office to start it. You can just take a room in a small place as a means of communication and do some decoration there. So you don’t have to build a big investment and don’t have to make a big investment.
Ideas about who are Adventure Tour Planner Service Customer
- There are many people who work or do business in various corporate sectors under a lot of pressure all year round, they love to spend some time of the year in adventure. If you can give these people the right plan, they will keep coming to you forever, so you can consider these people as your right customers.
Ways of Promote of Adventure Tour Planner Service Business
- You will not get many customers in the beginning, that is right. So you have to work a little hard in the beginning and keep uploading all these adventure videos on social media. Only then will you see. That you can get a good amount of customers from here. For this, you do not need to advertise separately.
25.Infant Home Care Service
Before starting this, you need to think about whether you have any experience or degree in this regard? If you have done any degree or short course in this regard, then you can start it, but of course you should take all the administrative permissions required for it.
Ideas about Infant Home Care Service Benefit
In any service business or profession, there is no infrastructure cost, so there is no such cost here either. So you can start it without investment, this is one of the big advantages of this profession, but of course it is a very conscious profession, so you have to work here very consciously and follow the rules here.
26.Web Designing Service
In recent times, almost every shop is using software to maintain your account and create bills, so this opportunity is always open to you. If you have to use it, then you can earn a good amount from here.
Ideas about Web Designing Service Benefit
Currently, this service is being done through an online system, so you can earn from your home by working from home. For this, you do not have to rent a house or build an office. That means you must understand how little investment you can start it or you can start it from zero investment.
Since not everyone can start here, it requires a good degree and knowledge about software, so the competition is very low, which is a very good thing.
Since almost all businesses are currently being maintained through account and bill software, there is a demand or demand is being created by a lot of people. If you look at it from that perspective, you have the possibility of doing a bigger business in the future.
Ideas about who are Web Designing Service Customer
At present, you can say that every retail showroom is your customer, but many of them are still unaware of its benefits. So they are not interested in this matter yet. You meet them and tell them about this benefit, then you will see that all of them are your potential customers.
27.Language Translation Service
You can start this online from home and can earn a lot from here. You don’t have to invest at all, you just start as you will see that you can earn good money from here without any investment.
Ideas about Language Translation Service Benefit
Since you don’t have to invest anything here so you don’t have to take much tension you can start it very easily and start your career from here.
Another big advantage is that it has no fixed time, you can start it part time if you want | This is another big advantage because if you are a student, you can start it along with your studies or if you are a housewife, you can manage everything and run it.
Ideas about who are Language Translation Service Customer
You need to study well where you can provide your services, then you will understand that different websites have this type of service. Also, sometimes your services may be needed to translate books into other languages, so you have to contact all these places.
28.SEO Service
Currently this is a very well-known service but most of the agencies are not able to provide this service properly but they are taking good amount of money from different companies or different people. You have to take this situation as an opportunity and provide good service to all these people and provide service in return for less money.
Ideas about SEO Service Benefit
If you think that you are not able to invest much then you can provide this service alone, in that case you will have to work more. If you are willing to do that work then you can earn from here i.e. you do not have to hire employees in the beginning.
I have seen that most of these agencies started from a small table at home and from there they have reached a very big place today. In your case too, you can start your business from here by sitting at home with a laptop without any investment. Which is not possible in other businesses.
Another big advantage of this business is that it can be run at your convenience, that is, it has no fixed time, you can run it at your convenience, I think there are very few businesses that have such flexibility, so this is a big advantage for you.
Ideas about who are SEO Service Customer
It is generally seen that various website companies or corporate agencies are willing to take this service from you, also currently several people who are creating their own network or have created a website can also take this service from you. So if you can provide good service to them from the beginning, they can always be your good customers.
Ways of Promote of SEO Service Business
Since you are an expert in this matter, there is nothing to say about how to provide this service and how to get customers, and I can only say that you have to make full use of social media and generate customers from there.
29.Web Content Creator
Currently it is slowly becoming a popular place but you must have interest in this, if you are not interested in this then you cannot stand it if you are interested in this then start and start earning your own money.
Ideas about Web Content Creator Benefit
Everyone wants to earn money by working from home and if that opportunity comes in front of you then it is definitely necessary to accept it. In this case too you can earn money by working from home. So without thinking much start it soon.
Another big advantage is that you can earn a good amount from here by using only the internet that you use for which you do not have to make any investment or spend separately.
30. Proof Reader Service Online
If you want to come to such a profession then you have come to the right business as you thought, here you only have to show your skills in this work then you can start a beautiful career.
31.Cyber ​​Security Consultancy Service
To start this, you must have enough experience in this regard, so if you have experience in this regard and you love to do this work, then you can definitely start it after thinking more. But of course, before starting it, you need to take permission from the local administrative offices or get other permissions.
32.IT Consulting Service
Currently it is a very common profession or profession but there is still a shortage of people so if you have enough good experience then you can start your career here, for this you do not have to earn any different degree you just need to be experienced in this matter.
Ideas about IT Consulting Service Benefit
Since it is a service business so if you do not have to invest much here it is possible to start easily especially in terms of creating infrastructure it does not cost much here and it is possible to provide this service from there by decorating a small room beautifully.
Home Service Business Ideas
33.Children Daycare
This is a very old business i.e. this business has been going on for a long time but with time its type and the way of taking care of children has changed. So you have to take it with the time and learn how to take care of them in a better way, then you will see that you have a good number of parents giving responsibility to their children and you can earn a good amount from there.
Ideas about Children Daycare Benefit
Since it can be done at home, you do not have to look for a separate place to start your business, it is much easier than other professions or businesses, so I will give you a suggestion and start it without delay.
If you can provide good service, you will quickly become known, so you will not need to advertise separately. This is a very good thing for this business.
Ideas about who are Children Daycare Customer
Parents around your house who are very busy with their careers can entrust their children to you, besides, parents who think that if their children have many children and girls together, they will develop a good mentality and can play sports while being within security, they will keep coming to you.
Ways of Promote of Children Daycare Business
Generally, you do not have to think about advertising too much for this. In the beginning, you have to advertise a little in the local area. You can do that by printing fixed banners etc. Later, once you become known, you will not need to advertise anymore, but remember one thing, there is no need to spend too much on advertising.
Ideas about Children Daycare Average Monthly Earning
It will not be easy to say the monthly income of a daycare because it depends on many factors, such as how many children you are looking after or whether you have hired any employees? Are there any expenses for employee salaries? Your income depends on all these factors but we generally see that you can earn from one dollar to twelve thousand dollars.
34.Dry Flower Decoration
You may not be able to imagine how much this business has spread or occupied space at present, so let me tell you that this business is quite important and popular. Currently, in all the events where flower gates are needed or flowers are needed to be decorated, dry flowers are used in most cases, so if you can make yourself known, you can earn a good amount from here.
Ideas about Dry Flower Decoration Benefit
You can buy them once and rent them again and again, so you do not need to invest again and again, you can say that by investing once, you can earn for a long time, which is one of the advantages.
Like other service-related businesses, this business also does not have to create a separate infrastructure, so you do not have any expenses in all these matters, which is one of the advantages.
Ideas about who are Dry Flower Decoration Customer
Corporate offices can order you to decorate their events beautifully, they can also order you to decorate weddings or birthday parties beautifully, so introduce yourself and earn a good amount by getting customers from all these places.
Ways of Promote of Dry Flower Decoration Business
Initially, you will have to work together with different agencies such as different catering agencies or agencies that provide lights for any event and find work through them. And in return, you will have to pay them some commission. If you get introduced by working in this way, you will be able to get a good amount of work directly.
35.Meditation Coach Service
Of course, if you want to start a home service business ideas business, you will undoubtedly have a lot of experience in this regard and you will have to know the subject, then you can make such a career. So start today without delay and prepare to earn from here.
Ideas about Meditation Coach Service Benefit
Since people have less experience in this profession, very few people can come here or choose it as a career, which is a good thing for you. Because the fewer people come here and choose it as a career, the less competition you will have to work with and you will be able to easily establish your career.
Ideas about who are Meditation Coach Service Customer
Currently, those who work in corporate companies or are in that system want to come to a place of mental peace after working all day, so they can join you as your customer.
Big businessmen are under various pressures of work all day and are naturally mentally stressed as well. So they want to calm their minds after the whole day, so they can become your customer.
Service based Business Ideas Online at nearest area
36.Grocery Delivery Service
Nowadays there are very few such easy businesses where you do not have to think about customers, because every person living in your area needs such things at home and naturally they will order them over the phone and you will continue to earn by supplying them online.
Ideas about Grocery Delivery Service Benefit
If you start, then let me tell you about its benefits. First of all, if you are not highly educated, then there will be no difficulty in starting it, this is one of the advantages of this business.
Another advantage of this business is that it is always possible to earn cash from here. If you can earn cash in any business, it is a better opportunity for you because earning cash is very beneficial for running your own business and maintaining your family.
Ideas about who are Grocery Delivery Service Customer
If you want to know about customers, then I will say that nowadays every person is more or less busy, so they cannot always buy directly from the store. They prefer to order online, if you think about it that way, most of the people in your area are your customers.
Ways of Promote of Grocery Delivery Service Business
You can introduce yourself through social media, this is the best way because here it is possible to promote your business or introduce yourself with zero investment, but you have to study the matter well enough and learn a lot.
37.Tutoring Service
If you are a student or a housewife, you can provide this service from home, though offline and online, but of course you have to be highly educated and be skilled in all the subjects you want to tutor in these subjects.
38.Corporate Audio and Video Production
Currently, you can produce and supply audio and video as per the needs of corporate companies and through it you can build your career very well. However, you will not get many customers from the beginning, you have to be patient and start, just remember one thing that you do not have to invest much, so you can start it easily.
39.Social Media Career Consultancy
It has become one of the most important careers that are currently being sought because if you look around, you will see how many people have started their successful businesses without any big investment and are able to earn a lot from there.
40.Computer Repairing Service
If you are interested in doing this work and you have enough good experience, then there is nothing new to say about this business because it is a very common successful and common way of earning.
Ideas about Computer Repairing Service Benefit
Let me tell you at the beginning that there are very few easy ways to earn money, so you have to serve the customer from the beginning, you can provide service in two ways, you can set up your own shop and serve the customer from there or you can go to the customer’s house and provide service from there.
41.Mobile Repairing Service
You have your own mobile, you have also repaired mobile phones at different times, according to your experience, don’t you think that a mobile repair person earns a good amount throughout the month, and now if you have learned the matter or have accumulated some experience in this regard, then why delay? Rent a shop and rent a house on vacation and if there is enough interest in this type of business, then you can earn cash every day.
Service Business Ideas for Students
42.Personal Stylist
If you think, you can start your own career as a personal stylist. In that case, you do not have much investment of your own, but you have to be quite adept in this matter. Only then can you create a successful career yourself. And you can earn quite well from there.
43.Office Cleaning Service
When you want to start such a service, then you must have direct and indirect experience in this matter and start your own independent business by utilizing that experience. Always remember one thing, service related business is always a good thing because here compared to other businesses. The investment is much less.
Ideas about Office Cleaning Service Benefit
You do not have to be highly educated to start this, so if you are not highly educated, you can start it and if you can learn good work, then in the future you can open a big agency by hiring employees.
Ideas about who are Office Cleaning Service Customer
Usually corporate offices or small offices can be your customers or you can provide services there. Work yourself in the beginning and later you can hire employees and do many office cleaning jobs together.
44.Insuarance Agent or Brokerage
Like other professions, this is also a good service business ideas for students, so you can earn from here too, but there is nothing to worry about because the company you join will provide you with special training in this regard.
45.Personal Trainer service
Like other professions, this is also a very good service business idea from which it is possible to earn a good amount with zero investment. And it is possible to create an established career.
46.Courier Service
This is nothing new, this most profitable service business has been around since ancient times, but the type of business has changed and the way of providing services has changed. So you must learn this very well, only then you can win the competition with other businessmen in the present time.
Ideas about Courier Service Benefit
This is basically a home delivery service. So you do not have to spend anything special to buy products like other businesses. If you have previous experience in this matter, you can start it with very low investment.
Ideas about who are Courier Service Customer
You have to contact different banks post offices or corporate offices in the beginning, they will start providing you with financial services to provide such services, then your business environment will also grow gradually.
Ways of Promote of Courier Service Business
The method of promoting it is completely different, you cannot prove it through advertisements. You have to go to different offices and tell them by giving visiting cards that you have started this business and you are committed to providing a good service.
47.Shoe Repair Service
If you are willing or skilled in this, you can earn full-time or part-time service business ideas for students by doing this business and earn enough to support your family.
48.Solar Panel Installation and Repair Service
This is one of the best service business ideas among all the business ideas, so you can start it by using your past experience. Of course, you should start only if you have enough knowledge about this.
49.Yoga Instructor Service
Currently, an experienced professional like this has the potential to earn quite a lot of money, but before that, you need to make yourself known about the good teaching you can do, then it is possible to make a successful career in this field.
Ideas about who are Yoga Instructor Service Customer
People of different ages are currently coming here, such as students, to further their studies so that they can be healthy naturally and mentally. To manage that issue properly, on the other hand, older people are coming here to stay physically fit and senior officers in corporate offices are joining here to stay mentally calm.
Ways of Promote of Yoga Instructor Service Business
The method of promoting it is very easy, you should take the help of social media like facebook, instagram, twitter and keep posting some videos and pictures about your yoga there regularly. Then you will see that your acquaintance has become fast and it is possible to get customers from there.
50.Tailoring Service
If you already have experience in this regard and think that you will start a service service, then it is a very good plan through which you can earn your required money without any mental worry.
Ideas about Tailoring Service Benefit
51.Collage Admission Counseling Service
Like other service best professions, this is also a simple yet important profession, but of course, if you are experienced and well educated in this matter, then it is possible to come here.
52.Office Plant Maintenance Service
Many times, different types of plants are planted in the office for decoration and to have a healthy environment. But they need proper care and maintenance and care, in that case, these are never done through office employees because it is not possible to maintain them with office employees, so they try to do it through an agency.
Ideas about Office Plant Maintenance Service Benefit
You do not need any special equipment to start service business ideas for students, you can do these tasks manually. So to say, there is no special cost for buying equipment and the biggest thing is that since not everyone knows this work, it is not possible for everyone to do it. You can earn your own income without competition.
53. Bookkeeping Service
Currently, this is a very good profession where women especially like to be involved in this work where you can earn by sitting in the office or sitting at home by providing services.
There are currently different software in this regard. If you are expert in that software and are good at doing this work, then different companies or offices will offer you this work.
54. Children Party Planning Service
Currently, this profession is slowly making a place in the society, so this is the best time to go a little bigger in the future. You should join service business ideas for students and slowly move forward from success. Remember one thing: when a work is just starting in society, there is a much higher chance of success.
55.Foreign Language Classes
Many people go abroad for business or study but they do not have the language knowledge required to communicate there. All these people are constantly trying to learn different foreign languages. You should support them and create your own small institute, it is also a good service based business ideas online to earn money.
Most Profitable Service Business
56.Security Service
Before starting this, I would like to remind you that to start this, it is necessary to take permission from various administrative departments, only after taking them should you consider starting this work. Otherwise, when you start success, problems may come from different places so that it is possible to run the business by controlling these issues properly.
57.Office Window Cleaning Service
This is a very good part-time business for school students, so if you are a student, you can easily start it and earn as much as you need to run all your expenses.
58.Pool Cleaning Service
Full cleaning can be done in two ways, firstly it can be done manually, that is, you can provide the service using a few equipment, the other is fully automatic, that is, you can provide all the services through automatic machines.
Ideas about Pool Cleaning Service Benefit
You can choose it as a full-time profession or if you think, you can think of it as a part-time profession. In that case, your biggest advantage is that you can provide this service in your own time, that is, if you are a student or a housewife, then you can run the most profitable service business.
59.Auto Detailing Service
If you have been directly or indirectly involved in this work in the past, then you have accumulated enough experience. Then now it is time to start your own business. But I can assure you that you can earn a good amount from this.
60.Plumbing Service
If you have had enough good experience in previous plumbing work, then you can start a plumbing service and earn daily cash from here.
61.Pressure Washing Service
Like other businesses, you can get good money for providing services from here and can build a successful career of your own.
62.Golf Club Maintenance Service
Like other businesses, this is also a very good most profitable service business from which it is possible to earn a fairly good amount. And it is a very easy career option. Where there is not much tension or it does not require higher education.
63.Private Investigating Service
You can start such a service business, but you must have direct or indirect experience in this matter and must have direct or indirect success in this matter and create your own brand.
64.Business Consultancy Service
There are many people who run their own business and share their business experience with others or give suggestions in this regard and earn money in return. If you are such a person, then you can also start this or there are those who have studied a lot about business or have a degree, they can start this business.
65.Packing and Unpacking Service
This is one of the service related businesses from which you can earn a good amount of money, but one thing to remember is that it is a very responsible business. Because you are delivering other people’s important and expensive goods from one place to another, you must have insurance for this business from the beginning so that if there is any problem, you can get money from there.
Ideas about Packing and Unpacking Service Benefit
You only have to do some amount once but later on there is no cost to run the work so it is one of the easy and enjoyable businesses from which you can earn good money.
66.Home Inspection Service
When you are starting a service related business then if you have any experience or have studied in this regard then you can start the most profitable service business for which you do not have to make any investment.
67.House Painting Service
You can start a house painting service, but when you start it, you have to understand these ideas well because you must paint it according to the wishes of the homeowner, but sometimes they may ask you for suggestions.
Ideas about House Painting Service Benefit
When you start this service, you yourself know that in most cases the cost of buying paint is paid by the homeowner, you just have to do the design or painting work beautifully, so in that case you do not have any investment.
You need a lot of higher education to do this work, so you can start it without any educational qualification. Currently, any profession requires education. Educational qualification is asked, but in this case there is no such problem.
Ideas about who are House Painting Service Customer
Generally, we see that painting work is done in the houses where you live, in corporate offices, in which painting work is also done in the market, so your problem can be everyone who has a house or building.
68.Junk Removal Service
Like other businesses, this can also earn good money, so without delay, start the most profitable service business based on your own experience.
69.Home Decoration Service
Home decoration service is a very good business to run, but here a very important thing is that you must have good experience in this matter and perform this work very well.
Ideas about Home Decoration Service Benefit
You do not need any infrastructure to start this, that is, since you will provide this service by going to another place, there is no cost for creating your infrastructure, since in other production businesses you have to invest a good amount, in this case it is not required and there is no such tension.
70.Legal Service
You can start this service related business only if you have studied law, and one of its advantages is that since it is not possible for everyone to study this, very few people can come to this profession, this gives you more advantages on the other hand. It means your competition is very less and you can earn more.
71.Elderly Care Service
Currently, like other services, you can start this too, but you have to be very careful about it because most of these people are physically weak, so if you want to do it, you have to have some medical knowledge.
72.Home Appliance Repairing Service
To provide this service, you need to know how to repair many things needed in the house. And if you think that you can repair all kinds of modern and old things, then you can start it.
73.Pest Control Service
You can start this, but before that you have to take permission from the local administrative offices and start it, you will see that you can earn a good amount from here.
Ideas about Pest Control Service Benefit
The biggest advantage of this is that you can do the income you earn from this in both full time or part time ways, that is, you can do this work all day or if you are a student, you can do this work at your convenience along with your studies.
Service Based Business List
74.Saloon Service
If you want to provide salon services, you can start in the extra room of your house. And you can earn cash from here. So this can be a good service related business for you.
75.Bridal Party Makeup Service
If you have good experience in this type of work before, then you can easily start it and earn cash from here.
Ideas about Bridal Party Makeup Service Benefit
You can do this part time with your other business or with the salon business because weddings are special occasions. So you can run it with other work and earn from here, it is one of the best business in service based business list.
76.Catering Service
When you have gained a lot of experience in this regard indirectly, you can definitely start your own independent business and earn a good amount of money from it.
77.Tax Consultant Service
Nowadays, paying taxes and maintaining them has become quite complicated, so the importance and necessity of tax consultants are increasing. If you have done or learned anything like this, then I would tell you to start today without delay.
78.Entertainment Service
This is a good profitable business among service-related businesses, so if you have experience in this regard, you can start safely.
79.Script Writing
Nowadays, many websites or blogging sites need scripts or scripts for YouTube. You can supply them from home and run it part-time or full-time with studies or other work. It is also one of the best ideas in service based business list to earn sure money.
80.Used Car Inspection Service
If you have direct or indirect experience in this matter and you have a degree in this matter, then start it with permission from the local administration. If you have good experience, then this can be a successful profession for you.
81.Email Marketing Service
This is a very good service that is provided by banks or various companies, but it is not an easy task because you have to learn these things constantly and provide updated services according to the current time. Then it is possible to make a good service business idea like this successful.
Ideas about Email Marketing Service Benefit
You do not invest anything yourself, only know its methods and through it you help other companies or other agencies in their sales and other matters. Being able to earn through it is a very big deal where the investment can be said to be almost zero.
82.SMS marketing Service
If you want to start your own SMS marketing company, then you can do it or contact an SMS marketing company and through it you can provide this service to other companies with SMS, in both cases you have the possibility of making a good amount of profit.
Ideas about SMS marketing Service Benefit
You can run this from home, you just have to contact different companies and collect orders from there to provide this service, then you can run this service.
Ideas about who are SMS marketing Service Customer
Especially different showrooms or shopping malls provide discount offers on different products to their customers, also when a new product comes, they inform the customer about what benefits they have and how much discount they can give through details SMS.
83. Advertisement Agency Service
If you want to do such a service business, then first of all let me say that practical work experience is a very big thing here. So if you have direct or indirect experience in this matter, then you can start it.
Ideas about Advertisement Agency Service Benefit
If you have direct or indirect experience in this matter, then you already have acquaintances with different people, such as the owners of different companies or sales executives of any company, so there will be a possibility of getting work easily through them.
Different companies can come to you to sell their products. Different companies can come to you to sell their own services or manufacturing companies can come to you to introduce their products or take your services.
84.Recruitment Agency Service
This business is very trustworthy, only then it is not possible to achieve success here and one thing has to be seen from the beginning, the one to whom you are giving work and the one who is hiring them from you for the work, there needs to be a commitment between the two so that it is possible to keep their promises to each other.
Ideas about Recruitment Agency Service Benefit
Which product is the best? To start a business, you have to invest quite a bit because an infrastructure is needed and the products need to be purchased. In this case, there is no such cost, so you can start without any investment.
85. Driving Training School
If you are interested in starting this type of business then I would like to tell you that you must first take permission from the government or take permission from the local administration because in my opinion it is illegal to start this business without permission so whenever you get this permission you can start it.
Ideas about Driving Training School Benefit
In the beginning you don’t have to think much about investing because you can start training with your own car. This is one of the profitable things about this business.
Q: A student can start a service based business ideas part time?
A : Yes, every large startup made by student ,starting from part time start.
Q : Really, service based business is possible to start from zero?
A : Not need large structure, need men power to start, so you can say it is from zero starting business.